Gallery Forslund - Artwork of Markus Forslund








Oil paintings


My collection of oil paintings consists mainly of interior views, still life and portraits.  In a separate gallery I display reproductions of classic oil paintings by some old masters, such as P.S. Kröyer and Richard Bergh.  I‘m available for commission work and reproductions - please contact me for estimates.


Oil paintings gallery

Reproductions gallery




Oil painting slideshow


Watercolor paintings


Nature scenes and birds is my favorite subjects when it comes to watercolor paintings. Most of my watercolor works is available as giclée prints, se links below.


Watercolor paintings gallery


Buy original paintings and giclée prints


Buy custom sized giclée prints

Watercolor painting slideshow




Graphite pencil and charcoal drawings is the third technique I work with. Primarily portraits and birds but also some still life is to be found in this gallery. As for the watercolors the majority of these can be purchased as fine art prints. These and original works can be bought through my webshop. Portraits can be commissioned, pricing starting from $ 250/€ 200.


Drawings gallery


Buy original drawings and giclée prints


Buy custom sized giclée prints

Drawings slideshow